Core technology of backup and recovery

  • Byte-level duplication

    Host-based and only copy the byte of data changing part rather than traditional file or block based replication. As a result, it greatly reduces the data needed to be copied, which not only saves network broadband resources but also improves the efficiency of the whole backup and recovery system.

  • CDP technology

    Based on continuous data protect technology, we could recover data to anytime you need. During this process, RPO≈0 and RTO is at minute level.

Multiple platforms and applications protection

Support multiple cloud storage and operators platform

  • Cloud computing and cloud storage platform

    Support widely used platforms such as Amazon S3, Windows Azure,, Tencent cloud, ucloud etc. copy the data to cloud storage in real time through its open API port.

  • Operators platform

    Through rapid configuration management, support cloud storage service provided by any operator IDC service provider and give an unified billing window.

High efficiency, safety

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