Disaster recovery of West Lake Public Security Bureau

  Demand illustration

  There are several x86 platform Windows/Linux servers in the environment of West Lake Public Security Bureau, including Oracle server, SQL-Server server, Lotus Domino/Note E-mail server and many another business system. The data in these servers need continuous and complete protection based on the OS and the safety and importance of the data, in order to recover the data completely and swiftly, recover the system work and relevant police service system in the shortest time when there are hardware breakdown, misoperation or specific disaster. Besides, we can achieve the fast data recovery of any history point.

  Illustration of disaster recovery solution

  Aimed at client’s environment and the demands above, Info2soft proposed following solution. Here is the topological graph:



  Source server: install disaster recovery software for service server(Windows or Linux OS) of West Lake Public Security Bureau, and achieve real-time replication of local data through i2 software.

  CDP backup server: use a x86(Linux OS) server as CDP backup server, and deploy storage device for CDP data.

  Adopt i2COOPY real-time backup solution for the protection of OS and APP on Windows/Linux server. Install i2COOPY client version on corresponding server, and achieve real-time backup of OS, APP and data to the backup server.

  I2CDP can record the alteration of the data on server completely and provide snapshot of time point and complete CDP recovery. As soon as source data has a problem, data of any time point can be recovered.

  Recommended reading: the realization of remote disaster recovery of police platform system using i2soft.